Here are some interesting links I'd like to let you
know about.
One is This site has all sorts of
fascinating information about questions you've
always wanted to ask but were afraid to. Don't
be afraid, someone has already asked this guy.
Another site is This is the
site associated with Dr. Dean Edell. Lots of good
things. Do you have problems with tinnitus?
There are some therapies. Check it out.
Now if you want to get tinnitus by following
your favorite band, check out This
site keeps track of touring bands.
If you are having way too much fun at a rock
concert you need to check in with the local
If you are interested in getting some new
cutting edge clothes designed for your
appearance at music shows or anywhere
check out Ben has
designed the clothes for the alternative rock
groups Locust and Le Tigre. Check him out.
Photo by Bonnie Feingold 1986 Oakland, CA
Photo by Lucy Warwas. Models by Joseph Warwas.
The Warwas clan in their prime. Photo by Lucy Warwas.
At Mom's 90th birthday.
Arneckeville School still stands and is used as a community
center. That flag pole, with a flag, was used as we said the
pledge of allegiance with our right arm raised. It almost knocked
me out once during a running game.